“…hypnosis is not mind control. It’s a naturally occurring state of concentration; It’s actually a means of enhancing your control over both your mind and your body.” Dr. David Spiegel, Assoc. Chair of Psychiatry Stanford University School of Medicine~ Jane Pauly Show 9/04
“Studies show that hypnosis can be effective in treating everything from chronic pain to poor study habits. Chances are it can work for you.”~ Psychology Today, 9/01
Clinical & Performance Hypnosis
I use hypnosis as a form of treatment to overcome anxiety, stress-related issues, depression and performance anxiety issues.
What is clinical hypnosis treatment?
Clinical hypnosis is an effective approach to any issue or problem that would improve due to stress reduction. Hypnosis is a therapeutic tool that can be used in conjunction with counseling and mental skills training.
There is a growing body of scientific literature attesting to the fact that hypnosis enhances the learning process, making for easier and better attainment of one’s goals. The American Psychological Association has endorsed using hypnosis since 1969.
Hypnosis does not fix the problem, yet it can play a major role in providing relief. This is because hypnosis helps you to use your mind and thoughts in order to manage emotional distress or help you change certain habits and behaviors. Hypnosis helps you take sensible, purposeful action to do something different in order to feel better.
How Clinical Hypnosis Works?
After getting to know you and your situation, a decision will be made together as to whether hypnosis can be of help.
If you’ve ever gotten lost in a good book or movie, you already have a sense as to how to hypnotize yourself. During hypnosis you essentially focus all your attention, deepen your breathing and open your mind to new ideas and experiences, known as therapeutic suggestions. This heightened state of mind makes it easier for you to experience therapeutic suggestions (referred to as post hypnotic suggestions)—suggestions that help you to make the changes you desire. If you have never gotten lost in a good book or movie, no worries because you can still be taught how to focus your attention and concentration.
How Performance Hypnosis Works?
Due to better understanding of brain neuroscience, performance psychology techniques are now available to get this anxiety under control. The use of hypnosis has been found to ease the learning process, making for easier and effective acquisition of mental skills. There is a growing body of scientific literature attesting to the fact that hypnosis enhances the learning process and improving one’s ability to learn stress reduction techniques. The hypnosis effectively enhances the way the mind imprints what you are trying to teach it.
Hypnosis does not fix the problem yet it does play a major role in providing relief by being combined with these techniques, making for easier and prime mental conditioning. These skills/techniques are: relaxation training, visualization, positive thinking, arousal control, managing distraction, pre-performance routine and goal setting.
So how does this all work?
You will be trained to hypnotize yourself (this is called self hypnosis)-this means teaching you how to achieve a comfortable yet alert and focused state of mind. It is while in this ideal state of focus that learning is enhanced. So while in this comfortable state you can condition your mind to learn skills to relax, control your thoughts and feelings, manage distractions and utilize imagery training. During this conditioning a trigger is created. A trigger is a word or words, sound(s), image(s) or a natural part of the performance routine that one can do or think about during the conditioning phase in order to produce the desired response during the performance. So when the trigger is initiated during a performance/competition/test/public speaking the conditioned ideal response is easily recalled.
It is important to note that hypnosis isn’t the cure nor does it solve every problem immediately. However, it is an effective technique that I use in addition to counseling to help individuals learn how to calm their anxiety and stress.
A description of the hypnotic experience can be found at About Hypnosis
Myths about hypnosis
A common myth about hypnosis is the loss of control and surrender of will where you will find yourself engaged in embarrassing behaviors. Books, movies and television have perpetuated mistaken ideas about hypnosis, reinforcing the notion of losing behavioral control. A therapist using hypnosis cannot make you act silly and you cannot get “stuck” in hypnosis. Actually, while in hypnosis, you remain aware of who you are and where you are.
Hypnosis and trance are not imposed on you, nor are you under the control of the practitioner. There is no mind control or even brainwashing involved in the practice. Instead, while in hypnosis, the consultant serves as a facilitator guiding you to do the work you wish to do. You are fully aware of where you and what time it is you have control over how long you in under and can come in and out by opening your eyes anytime you wish.
Useful Links
If you are interested in learning more about hypnosis or other mental skills trainings and techniques used to reduce anxiety contact me for a free 20-minute consultation at (585) 262-4070.