“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.” ~ Mark Twain
“I should have done it years ago… It’s amazing I didn’t even want cigarettes any more.” Matt Damon describing his hypnosis experience to Jay Leno,~ The Tonight Show, 12/04
Smoking Cessation
I can guide you in developing a support plan and provide you with the help to be the nonsmoker you want to be for you and your family.
How do I stop smoking?
As you know, quitting smoking can be difficult. This difficulty is not caused by any inherent flaws, but by the lack of skills necessary to become the non-smoker you desire to be. These skills can be developed with the proper professional support and tools. Research shows that becoming a non-smoker is more successful when you utilize professional support. This includes appropriate techniques like mental skills training and hypnosis—both of which are offered through my smoking cessation program.
The Support Plan
Becoming a non-smoker occurs in three stages:
- Preparation
- The Support Plan
- Remaining Smoke-Free
Your support plan prescribes practical methods to direct and convert your desire to quit smoking into action. Mental skills training will teach you how to put together an effective support plan. Hypnosis itself doesn’t stop smoking. What happens during hypnosis has the potential to be helpful long term. Hypnosis facilitates the encoding of your newly learned skills, while supporting and reinforcing a well-designed support plan.
Step 1: Preparation
Working together, we will gather the information necessary to create your support plan. This involves understanding the reasons why you smoke, identifying your smoking triggers, and your smoking routine. Also, the plan will help determine your motivation to stop smoking and assist with setting a stop date that is right for you. If hypnosis is to be considered, it is at this stage that we will determine your comfort level with this technique and determine how hypnotizable you are.
Step 2: The Support Plan
At this stage, we put the support plan into action. This involves developing and following through on healthy behaviors and effective actions/tools that will result in you becoming a non-smoker. This includes indentifying and learning coping behaviors, managing cravings, dealing with social situations as a non-smoker, and how to react to smoking triggers.
Step 3: Remaining Smoke-Free
As your support plan is used consistently, it will help build healthy new associations and connections to your body and will help you successfully move forward in life to remain smoke-free.
The Smoking Cessation Program
Research indicates that successful smoking cessation programs typically involve multiple sessions, depending on life circumstances and emotional status.
The first appointment won’t involve hypnosis. Instead, we will work through many questions to gain an understanding of what we need to do to tailor a plan that will be most effective to help you stop smoking. We will also determine if hypnosis would be right comfortable for you. Take hold of your habits today and help kick start a new healthy you, contact me at (585) 262-4070.
Additional Resources: